Woo, am still flying high from yesterday's Brighton group. How fabulous you all are!
So, tomorrow I am attending a wedding for one of my very bestest college friends! It is going to be a lovely day of reconnection with brilliance of weather (let's hope!). I have to admit I am slightly anxious as I haven't seen a number of college friends for quite a while. And it can feel like the comparison game! Although none of them are like that (they really are some of the nicest people ever!). But part of me does want to compare how 'settled' they are and how footloose and fancy free I continue to be.
Not that any of our lives are similar, it's interesting to see those feeling bubble up. But like all things- it really is nothing to do with them but all about me!
You cannot compare yourself to anyone, least not to make yourself feel bad. You must not! It is simply a fate worse than death! (Ok, so I exagere but still!).
Everyone has their own path, their own brilliance and uniqueness. There is no competition. The only 'comparison' you need make it that of you in relation to your Source!
Likewise you cannot take onboard what other criticisms are thrown at you. Whilst they may be 'true' or completely false, matters not. If you are given a compliment, accept it and revel in it... And bask in it and love it and thrive in it. If it feels bad let it go (easier said than done I know but still!).
Like I said to the group last night. You could be told ten times over 'You are so smart and wonderful.' But it doesn't usually have nearly as much impact than if one person said to you 'You're so ugly and stupid!' We need to start accepting and loving ourselves EXACTLY as we are. For we are all perfect exactly as we are.
It is alright in the grand scheme of things however, because the more you ask the more is lined up for your vibrationally. So the shitter you feel, the bigger and brighter it is for you on the other end!
So just breathe and take a moment to appreciate who you are and what you bring to this world. You are a unique blessing unto this Universe, it is now time to claim it!
Happy non-comparing!!! Lots of love, Nick Xxx