I thought this was fascinating but it made total sense. Your vibration and physical issues will make themselves known by cropping in all sorts of places.
That's why in theory, so many modalities work- tea leaf reading, cards, aura, palmistry etc as they are all reflections of you. It just takes a skilled person to read the energy and representation of it.
When dealing with your stuff it is helpful to address the underlying vibration that is causing it. It's relatively easy to cut that annoying person or thing out of your life, but odds are you'll recreate it in some other area, because this is your dominant vibration of what you are attracting.
One way of working through this is to ask yourself 'How does this make me feel?' And you can identify where you've felt it before and then makes steps to clear it up. For example, if someone at work keeps telling you off, it might make you feel vulnerable (or defensive, or aggressive, or depressed), you can usually trace it back to a partnership that was the same, or an old boss, or your parents, or schoolmates.
Once you have this knowledge, you can set about using any of the positive tools that are out there to address the main issue. So in the case of vulnerability, you can start to work towards feeling more secure, more confident in self. And eventually when you've made that shift, it should stop repeating itself.
A long work in progress, but so worth it!!! Just keep up the focus!
All is well!!!
Happy eye-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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