I live quite close to the station so can leave it until the last ish minute before I leave home. Due to this, if I do feel a bit rattled in the morning, I find it almost a necessity for even a few minutes of focused, centred breathing before I leave and it is such a godsend!
There are so many ways to meditate but the underlying focus is to get yourself in a more aligned space. You can do that by breathing to music, silence, a mantra or extraneous noise, whatever release your focus to something higher than your everyday stuff.
But I find it so infinitely helpful! It's great for my mental well being, my physicality and my digestion and tummy feel so much more relaxed.
All is well!!!
Happy breathe-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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EYLE-NL Group: http://www.meetup.com/EYLE-NL/
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