To breathe is to quite literally to live! I found myself getting cranky at work (fatigue or sugar crash ha). So I put on some Abraham (The Secret Behind The Secret- one of the best DVDs ever!) and centred myself with some deep breaths.
I am far from an expert on breathing but I know there are a myriad of practises- yogic, meditational, Kundalini, tantric- the list goes on! But whatever you do, breathing in a slower, more deliberate fashion is infinitely beneficial, even just on a basic physiological level. It can help relax your body and mind and all sorts!
When I was younger I used to play the flute (I even by some miracle got to Grade 5! Haha). And there I was taught diaphragmatic breathing. Basically, you're filling your belly with air- so your tummy sticks out when you breathe in and when you breathe out, you pull your tummy in. That's the one I use most.
Another way is thoracic breathing (I used this when I did Pilates- really excellent exercise for back pain and also gives you a 6 pack like nobody's business!) You breathe in through the nose, fill and expand the ribs and then out through the mouth and release the ribs. I think it's done through the ribs as the exercises engage the pelvic floor and there is a 'zipping' up action in your belly area, hence the rib-by breathing.
Anyhoo, these are just some ways to play with and improve the depth of your breathing. I am definitely guilty of shallow breathing as I'm usually rushing round doing a ton of things!
It would serve us all to slow down a wee bit and just breathe! The benefits of mindfulness and mediation are so powerful.
I was looking at the Hay House World Summit- a huge free online event run by Hay House and their authors (everyone from Esther to Deepak to Cheryl Richardson is speaking!). And I saw Miranda Kerr has a segment. I was very surprised, I didn't realise she was into woo woo but she is!
She is one of the world's most successful super models. She says:
'I like to meditate. Doing just three minutes of prayer and a minimum of five minutes meditation twice a day sets the tone—like an arrow so that you’re hitting your target. When I pray I always thank Mother Nature for all the beauty in the world; it’s about having an attitude of gratitude.'
See- the daily practise she does! And she must be doing something right, as she went from being (according to Wikipedia which is always correct lol) supermodel number 9 in Forbes' list, earning a cool $3.2 million in 2010. To being number 2 with $7.2 million in 2013! So she must be doing something right!
Now, I'm not a huge proponent of using material wealth to determine success (it is joy which is your true measure!), but still. That's quite a good consciousness she must have to create all that.
So tune into your own inner super model- you are all beautiful and perfect, strut yourself and be sure to breathe!
Happy breathing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
See you in a few days!!!