If you can really accept that usually when someone or something bugs you, it's not usually about that specific thing, it's just an activation of something deeper then you can work to clear it up.
And this goes for anytime you feel negative emotion- it provides infinite scope to self improve!
For example, if someone is being unreliable by not replying on the phone, then instead of just getting annoyed. Look within, why does it annoy you so- do you think they should reply quickly, does it activate a feeling of rejection or not being good enough, it is an issue or respect and so on. Then seek to clear up that issue within.
And the easier and quicker you can mentally shift it to a better space the better it is for you. Take my word on this- it doesn't serve you to stay in anger, fear, resentment or any of those. Clear it, clear it, clear it! Because you want the best for you and not to condone anyone else's behaviour.
And when you do more of that, you'll be living such a good life!
All is well!!!
Happy clear-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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