And it is mind blowingly incredible! I love it! They have everything from jewellery, to horses, to houses, to cars and anything in between costing a few thousand, to tens of millions! It has totally blown open my consciousness as to what is possible- I didn't know half of this stuff even existed!
I love the expansion of expectation as a result of watching the show. My game has been upped as a result!
That's we want for you, to get out and explore the world. That is the value of contrast. When we refer to contrast, we usually mean it to be something unwanted but it just means the difference between things. When you go to a delicious food buffet, it's all varying contrast, if you don't like the look or sound of a dish you simply walk past it. You don't sit there ignoring all the other delicious dishes and focus on the one dish which sounds horrible. You just filter, sort and sift, tasting what you like and going back for more, or not.
So mix it up in your world, try new things, follow your heart and gut and see what calls you. It could end up with you making billions!
All is abundant!!!
Happy billionaire-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx