Wine is good, it's bad, a small bit is beneficial, any alcohol is bad and so on... Butter, no margarine, no butter, no vegetable spreads are the best! And on it goes...
I was watching them test the best way to cook veg and apparently stir fry retains a lot of vitamins as it's quick. It kinda makes sense, but no doubt someone out there will overturn it. My preferred way is steaming as for me, it's the least inflammatory.
Ultimately and as with all things, everyone is so incredible different. Your vibration, genetic makeup, your interactions, your push points are all unique to you, so it stands to reason the way you react to food would be dictated by your own relationship to it.
Be a data collector, explore what works best for you. See what other people are doing and if it appeals, then great, if not, then try something else. There is definitely not one way!
Mix it up peoples! That's what life is for!
All is well!!!
Happy steam-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx