But as the flat is getting painted, I've stayed at a few other Airbnbs in London and they really are noisy!
The place I had in Clapham was just off the high street and had drunks and general noise. And the place I stayed in Farringdon was right opposite a school of ballet!
It did make me appreciate my own home and I'll never complain about the noise again!
Such is life though! One should get out and about and experience as much as one can. You'll always be learning and growing. Some things you'll totally hate but others could totally change the path of your life. The key is just to be open and receptive to all good. To line up your energy and allow the Universe to deliver the inspiration to you to things which are a vibrational match to your good!
All is well!!!
Happy noise-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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