I've heard and sometimes felt that to be spiritual and well beinged that it is necessary to be in the moment, slow, zen and all that carp. And yes, whilst that is a good way of living, after having done that I can't say that it is wildly amazingness, more than that, it is just a different way of being! An experience.
Now, I did enjoy it and take much from it, and I'm now considering making one of my 2016 resolutions to take at least one a month off just for nowt. But at the end of the day, it really don't matter!
There are so many things and people out there telling us to be different than who we are. Sometimes it may benefit, sometimes it won't, but who cares?! Just be you, live your life in the best way that you can ('best' meaning most fun and joyous) and let everyone be who they are.
If we could all just mind our own business and get on with it, things would flow a lot easier and more peacefully (something a lot of the world could do with at the moment!).
Just do it for the experience- for that is what it's all about!
Happy experience-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx