Today before work I went to see a charming British movie 'x+y.' Starring the wonderful Sally Hawkins and Rafe Spall, it was about a young chap who was on the autistic spectrum and a maths whizz. Training and entering for the International Mathematical Olympiad.
There is also another strongly autistic chap on the UK team. Part of the movie shows the relations between the team members. I found it quite interesting how it covered the notion of being normal/fitting in/being different.
It made me think of Steve Jobs' Apple campaign:
"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The one who sees things differently...
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward."
As I'm constantly surrounded by people who 'get it' both in my groups and those in my general life (even if they are only mildly aware of sprituality), it's hard for me to gauge (or even imagine) that probably most of the world doesn't get this.
To know that you are on the leading edge, simply by being open to reading this site, by being open to, (if not a massive believer) that your thoughts and emotions are related to creating your reality. That you and you alone are in charge of your life experience. How amazing is that?!
Odds are you've felt different from those around you at some (if not most of your life). That you've experienced contrast stronger than practically anyone you know. And that this has brought you to the powerful place of asking 'Is there more to life?'
I love my groups and that people love being with other like minded people. It is that connection which takes us all to new levels.
Keep being you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Here's to you... The crazy ones... The brilliant ones... The leading edge ones... The world changers!!!
All my love!!! Nick Xxx