He was telling me about his teacher and how she was quite relaxed and laisse faire- in a good way. But if he had her when he was at school he probably wouldn't have got much done as she was so chilled.
In any case he was doing extremely well. Part of that is because he's older and wiser but also because there's an internal drive to do well.
And that's the same with life, when you're inspired and motivated from reasons within, then you're more likely to succeed and be engaged. If you're forcing yourself to do something or you're being pushed by an outsider, it makes things so much more difficult. I loved learning at school but I dreaded revising and coursework (still probably do!), I remember it used to take forever to do my coursework and revised for exams literally the night before. Luckily I did alright but still...
Your growth is likely to develop infinitely faster when you've chosen the path to follow. Seek things which light you up, carve out time to follow and try new things which you like!
All is well!!!
Happy inspire-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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