He commented that the film never saw the light of day but it appeared on his showreel and he got another part off the back of it.
He commented saying it's all resume (or CV to us Brits) building. And that goes with anything in life. Do it for the experience, because it builds your repertoire. It may not be successful nor may it have any immediate impact but it all adds towards your life experience list.
The more you do, the more your escrow grows and then only good can come out of it ultimately. And you never know where it'll take you. Nothing is ever a waste and you have to trust it's all unfolding perfectly for you.
Life is for living. Yes of course, work on your vibration and get your mind and emotions in place, then take inspired action and then you're living the life you came forth to!
All is well!!!
Happy resume-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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