Once I hit work, I said to my workmate 'It's one of them days!' And as soon as the words left my lips, I caught myself. Because what does someone mean when they say that? 'It's going to be one of those days when whatever can go wrong, will go wrong!'
And that is definitely not the belief/thought/feeling I wanted to carry on! So I quickly changed my thinking to thoughts of well being, cool calm and control. The day turned out to be a teeny bit stressful but not anything major nor how I had started to pre pave it.
We have all these little phrases and things we say mindlessly but it's these things which add up and contribute to our vibration.
Raise your awareness of what you say, think and feel. And wherever possible, redirect them to things you want to experience and don't let them get ahead of you.
That is life by creation!
All is well!!!
Happy day-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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