I haven't won the lottery for ages and ages and in the few weeks following the Abraham Alaska cruise I won about 4 times! Never happened before. Now that's what easily could happen when you start doing this positive work (not winning the lottery necessarily but you find yourself saying 'that never happened before!' About good manifestations). And I personally think that's a really powerful way of showing you your vibration is in a higher place. You become the recipient of so much good- courses, good people, wins, extra abundance, job offers, inspirations etc. Your main manifestation should be how much better you feel, but the physically goodies can be very nice too!
And then it turns into expectation. So it's almost as if after a lottery draw I expect to receive an email saying 'Congratulations!' (Something which I never dared reach for or could do so before!).
Now, it is so vital to remind you that it's not about the 'stuff.' Because that will come and go and probably really only keep you happy for a little while, but more to show yourself if you can change your thoughts and feelings, then you can rock it out and have so much goodness happen to you!
Expect well being and alignment and abundance to flow (as long as it feels good), is all for the fun of it!
All is well!!!
Happy lottery-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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