But then she started to talk about her issue and then became quite easily one of the most upset in the room!
On a side note, the issue was that she was upset that her family didn't support her and wasn't going to attend her wedding. To which Abraham replied that it was a good thing because she really only wanted happy people around her for her big day!
Anyhoo, Abe wisely pointed out that she went from the brightest being to the saddest being with just a slight shift of focus. Nothing else had changed in those few minutes other than where she was putting her mind.
And that was a really good point- with just a change of mindset, you can go from being a wonderfully happy being to feeling awful. It all lies in the power of your mind.
You can control where you put your attention and because of this you get to bring about whatever is predominantly on your mind and your vibration.
So consciously make an effort to focus on good feeling things. That which pleases and uplifts you. And notice how life changes, all because of where your mind goes.
All is well!!!
Happy wed-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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