I'm an all or nothing person. As someone rightly put it- I couldn't have just one chip from the bag, I have to have to whole lot haha! So when I get my teeth into something, I really love to go all in. Then it usually subsides and makes way for something else which catches my attention. I quite like to flit!
And that's ok, Abe's words- 'You'll never get it done and you can never get it wrong' are so apt. In other words, there'll always be something to do.
If you can accept that what you want is just they focal point for your attention and loosen up and get that it's more about how you feel than anything else, then hopefully that should bring some ease to your vibration.
Not always easy or possible I know! But that really is the goal of the game. It is life itself!!!
All is well!!!
Happy forth-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx