If you're anything like me, making decisions can be a bit of a fiddle faddle, fussing about 'getting it wrong' or 'missing out' or whatever it is. Like the proverbial donkey stuck between two bales of hay, he can't decide which one to eat and ends of starving himself!
She basically suggests you make a list of positive aspects about both paths and then going whichever way calls you more.
Abe suggests the same thing, make a decision and make that the right one. List all the positive aspects about it and then give it your 100% undivided attention of well being focus.
You cannot get it wrong and you cannot get it done. Nothing is ever so out of whack that it cannot be brought back into alignment. You will always learn and expand.
If everything went your way all the time, every ime you would get bored and wouldn't really learn anything. All the entrepreneurs extol the virtue of lessons learned along the way to greatness. It's all ok!
All is well!!!
Happy decision-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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