Thank you SOOO much Manchester! What a most wonderful evening, being with a group of like minded, feel-good and wanting to feel good peoples as always makes me wanna fly so high!!!
Some points:
- Follow your joy/bliss. Do more things that connect you with you. Try thinking back to when you were a child. What did you have fun doing? What was the essence? Creativity, helping people, socialising? Do more things which make you happy!
- For beginners- try starting small but do something daily. 5-10 mins of breathing/meditation at the start of the day, then a short list of things you appreciate will set you up nicely for the day ahead.
- Money game- there are many variations of this. You can mentally spend £50 as many times through your day. Pick a large amount e.g. £10 million and write what you'd spend it on. Pick an amount and increase it daily, e.g. Day 1- mentally spend £1,000, Day 2- £2,000 etc...
- There is enough for everyone. No one needs to lose for the other to gain. Focus on the infiniteness that is you and let it in!!!
Love you guys lots and lots, thank you for sharing your time and beingness!
Happy passion-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx