So tonight was a fun evening in Crawley! Part of my new/different things resolution (quite proud I'm managing to keep that going!). And 'twas vibrant and busy area on a Friday night. We went bowling, which is always fun. I haven't been bowling for years and years and whilst I wasn't brilliant, I was ok (I even got a strike)!!!
So, these skills stay with you. A muscle memory if you will. It doesn't matter if you've dabbled in this consciousness business and you're feeling a bit rusty, just dip in whenever, wherever you can! All it takes is a bit of a mental warm up and BAM, you're good to go.
As Abe say, you are not a storage device but a receiving and transmitting vibrational being. I do go for periods where I don't listen to clips or read books, or even if I go for a while without a group I can antsy for the group alignment! But just tap in and out as you need. It's always handy to have tools at the ready if you do need some alignment and there's nothing which beats daily practise, but hey we are human and the skills you learn will always be with you in some shape or form!
Happy practising! Lots of love, Nick Xxx