A few points:
- Forgiveness was a key theme tonight. Forgiving yourself and others who you feel 'may have wronged you.' Ultimately it's nothing to do with them but your journey with you. Forgiving is simply to let them go, let them and yourself off the hook, in the full knowledge that you're moving on. Write a letter of your thoughts and feelings and then burn it, flush it away and do your best to move on!
- Love your inner child! If you find it hard to love yourself- and that can be a challenge. Then imagine a little child, sweep them up in your arms and hold them with all that unconditional love you can muster!
- Thank the past and contrast, for it has brought you to this poignant place of asking! Without the breakups, breakdowns, depressions and general feeling of crap, you wouldn't know what you do now and I truly believe that this is the leading edge of all that is!
- You are perfect exactly as you are! Know your magnificence- Source does! It sees you as pure, perfect and brilliance. And when you feel bad about yourself, you're seeing yourself through eyes other than Source's! That's guidance you see!
All is well!!!
Happy love-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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