But if I'm feeling blah, then I find that trying to reach for the positive is a lot harder, so instead, I try to 'go for 0.' Which means, trying to minimise negative thought by just thinking about as little as possible. Either by having some relaxing music on, an Abraham audiobook or simply just breathing and focusing on that. I have to say that since eating a lot healthier, my minds a lot sharper and I'm quicker to recover!
But anyhoo, not only is it better for my vibration but it's horrible when you're mind's going round on the negative and complaining about it- it's just not pleasant!
The same can be said for when you're going through a negative experience. If you can run a positive process on it, then great! If it's too overwhelming, then distract yourself, go to movie, listen to music, have a nice meal, go for a boogie. Anything to take your mind off, get into your good space and then see if you can readdress it all from that space of power!
All is well!!!
Happy 0-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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