I found this quite funny because the constant attempts to ensure they didn't wake me, ending up waking me! Ha!
And such can be the same with all of this work, you become a vibrational match to what you don't want. You become so focused on not going to where you don't want to be, you end up there.
Similar to the old thing of 'don't think of a pink elephant,' you inevitably have that huge image planted in your mind.
Better is to put your focus on what you do want, speak it and think it as you want it to be. So instead of saying 'I don't want to be late/ill/poor' change it to 'I am early, well and abundant!' It's fairly subtle but this retraining of your mind and subsequently your vibration is pivotal to attracting and focusing on what you want.
I remember I was in a talk and the speaker told us to look around the room for red things, so we did. He then asked to name how many green things were around us. This just shows us we can miss bits by focusing on other bits!
Catch yourself and be more aware, that's the name of the game!
All is well!!!
Happy shhh-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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