All things being equal, I'd prefer an edge seat on a plane (i.e aisle or window) as I like to feel free and comfortable. The middle seat is like my worst nightmare ha!
Years and years ago, as my friend worked for an airline, they got me a standby ticket- which enabled me to get a fancy upgrade if they were available- as it happened I didn't get business class or anything! And one of connecting flights I got a dreaded middle seat...
Funnily, as I'm not the greatest flyer, it caused me to focus powerfully, I plumped my headphones on, put some relaxation music and went into as deep a meditation as I could. As it happens and if memory serves me correctly, it turned out to be a smooth, easy ride.
Now, I ain't in no hurry to be plumped between two strangers on a flight again but it did show me, with the right mindset, it is possible to be aligned.
Abe says that Esther declares she thrives in a crisis. This is because it forces her to focus and ask in a more sharper way.
Like the mother who can magically lift a car when her child is in need, these feats occur when the desire is strong enough.
So we are asking you to focus. Focus on whatever feels good, whatever you want in life. Try not to let things get ahead of you so you need to be in that stronger, uncomfortable place of asking. Ease and flow dear ones!
All is well!!!
Happy plane-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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