- Don't get too attached, keep it like and let everyone off the hook. Everyone has their own motivations, reasons for being and acting the way they do. Even those you love dearly might act in ways you don't understand. Don't try to figure out anyone, instead just focus on your own well being, connection and aligning with self. Don't get too attached to anything or anyone as it's all transient.
- It's all about the fun times and good people. I love my me and me time- it's essential to my beingness. But we did also come here to play with one another. It's this connection with each other that lifts us to new levels.
- It's all about self and self. Having said the above, it's all ultimately about your journey with you and you. Anyone or anything else is just an activation point. When something or someone elicits a response, note what it activates within you and seek not to get them to fix it.
- Balance is key. I believe the soul and beingness seeks balance. If it lacks within self, it will seek that in something or someone else. The key is to find that balance within self so you don't need to have it reflected and slammed back in your face!
All is well!!!
Happy balance-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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