It was an exquisite seat, almost as though the acrobats were performing just for you! However, not only did I feel motion sick (man do they go high and round and round lol!), I missed a few bits which need broader perspective to fully appreciate. It showed me the value of being able to step back from a situation and take in the whole view from another vantage point.
The same goes for an issue you're experiencing. Up close and personal, it can be exhilarating and intensely good feeling but if there is contrast, then it definitely is worth stepping back from the people or things involved. It can give you a broader, more brilliant insightful way. You can take in the bigger picture of things, the grand overview. And it can help you feel less sick haha! A win-win for sure!
So try it, whenever things are getting too overwhelming, take it easy and when ready, look at the bigger picture. It can give you another way of looking at life and who knows what lofty heights it can take you!!!
All is well!!!
Happy KA-ing!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx