Some of the infinite good points for tonight:
- Enjoy the brilliance of the now! All you have is now and that is the most precious, most powerful, most potent moment ever. Really do your best to enjoy and love what you've got going on at this moment in time.
- Try many vision boards! You could have three- Fill one sheet of paper with images of things you want to have, another with things you want to be and the third with things you love to do. You can put it in plain sight or you can fold it away!
- Try this manifesting ritual. Write a sentences or a few based in the now, of things you'd like to have e.g. I am so appreciative of the soul mate I now love. Write this on a piece of paper 55 times on 5 consecutive days, intending that that or something better will occur. See what comes up internally and where your heart calls you. Then forget about it! Let it go and surrender.
- If you're in a funk, then accept it. Don't try to force it or be anywhere other than where you are. Let the negativity pass. You can try surrounding yourself with positivity or distracting yourself. But just relax into your well being. This too shall pass!
Thanks for your wonderful beingness people! Loving y'all tons and tons!!!
All is well!!!
Happy chill-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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