When I like something I go all in! I'm one of those all or nothing people. As a friend once said 'it's like you can't have one chip from the bag (of chips), you just gotta eat em all!
I love that initial phase of a hobby or interest where I just can't get enough. I have to study and learn and see what is out there.
Especially in this day and age it is incredibly easy to connect with anything or anyone- for free (or as good as!), all at the ease of your fingertips with a smartphone or computers- you don't even need to leave home!
Following on from yesterday's Singapore group, I really hope they/you follow it up and look for as many ways you can to make this part of your daily life. There are a plethora of books, DVDs, audiobooks, YouTube clips, meetup groups etc out there who can help you connect with that higher part of yourself.
It's very easy to walk away from this work, or have it fade out over time as life takes over, but I cannot recommend enough, investing time to self empowerment. As you spend more time feeling better, things will morph, both internally and externally. Just give it time. You're feeling better is the sign that you're on your way.
I love the constant signs of alignment I receive, especially after a group meetup. So many things lined up yesterday after the meeting. I just love it so!
Filter, filter, filter- if you like the sound of a teacher or teaching, then run with it. If it doesn't resonate, then leave it behind. No muss, no fuss!
I really wish you the best of journeys. There is no more exhilarating relationship than that of you and you. How magnificent this life experience can be!
All is so very well!
Happy exploring!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx