Thank you BIRMINGHAM for an amazing evening as always!!! A big thank you to the wonderful, brave new people who came along. And a huge thanks to my regulars who shared their tips, advice and general fabulousness on well being!!!
Some key tips (as always I just lift a teeny amount of all the wisdom that is given!).
- Work within your belief system and then take inspired action. It is important to know what you believe and to therefore act within that. If you believe that doing something is bad for you, yet you do it anyway- then you're working against your energy flow. Either change your action of change your belief. From there you'll be inspired and enthralled to take the right action for you- be it exercise, eating aligned foods, meditating, positive aspecting etc
- As is always the case with this wonderful group, everyone has so many books, teachers and techniques to share. There is no one right way. Different things will appeal to you at different times. Just keep working it at and know that all the work you're putting in is paying off and will pay off.
- Affirmations are such great tools to help you along your way. Stating what you do want, over and over again, so eventually your beingness comes into alignment what you want. Pick something positive and repeat that statement over and over as much as you can! E.g. 'I am loved and loving. I attract more and more abundance through ease and loving ways. I am drawing to me my perfect mate. Life is good. I am relaxed and full of well being.' You get the idea. Just reach for these affirmations as often as you can.
Pre group I caught up with my most amazing Brum Chum lol- Sanjay. And he had just been on the Abraham Caribbean cruise. And OMG it was like I was there- milking every wonderful detail about what happened- the wonderful food, weather, interactions, lectures and well being. I LOVED hearinf about!
So, just breathe and relax. Know your brilliance and well being, flow and feel good. It really is that simple (kinda!).
Happy affirming!!!
All my love and well being to you!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx