A few points of thought:
- Appreciate the small things. It doesn't have to be the huge manifestations which float your boat. The small pieces of 'driftwood'- the littler manifestations which occur that demonstrate to you that you're well along your path to goodness!
- Be real! It's no use putting a smiley face on if you're dying on the inside! The greatest gift you can be to yourself and to those around you is to acknowledge that things may not be the best they have been but you're on your way to feeling better. That is what is so crucial to this and will work for you in the long term!
- Don't listen to them out there. We had a great story of someone being told their leg wouldn't heal for over a year but with the focus and well being vibration, they were up and literally running in two months. Just because someone claims to be an expert or to know better, doesn't mean they always do!
- It's a constant thing and it's important to catch yourself. It's great to do the affirmations and meditations but what are you doing the rest of the time? It's always about checking in with how you feel and what you're thinking that makes the biggest difference!
All is well!!!
Happy constant-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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