As always, everyone is warmly welcome. Over the years I've seen people who knew nothing about this work but felt compelled to attend and were so inspired that they are now excellent experts. Just keep working it!
We did the post-it process and had a wonderful blast of success. Before the end of the group a load of different people came up to me with manifestations that had happened inline with their intentions- all that within the space of 1-2hours! It's always a delight to see things happen so quickly sometimes.
That's a huge benefit to the groups, less so nowadays for me as I'm quite stable within this work but it can happen that there'll be some magical manifestation during or quickly after a group. It still amazes and delights- the power of releasing resistance and positive group thinking.
So the game is to just grab a post it sticky note and write 2-3 things you'd like to happen. I'd say keep it light, a mix of small and big things. Then just let it go. You can either stick it somewhere in plain sight so it keeps it in your consciousness or you can just put it away and trust the Universe has you covered. What's important is that you keep it fun and good feeling.
Always lovely to hear everyone's tips and hints. Journaling/writing things down came up a lot. There is something to be said about putting pen to paper. A few mins a day or appreciation or scripting (writing how you would like life to be), will serve you greatly!
Have fun with it- all is well!!!
Happy Liverpool-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx