HOLY MOLY SWEET LORD!!! What an amazing evening!!!! What a leading edge, fooking fantastic bunch of AMAZING people tonight!! Love love love it!!! Thank you so much. I felt the energy which was electric from the second I walked in the room! Incredible!!! Love you all!!! A good mix of newbies and the cruise crew and the thinkers!
A couple of key points (from the billions of points!) made from tonight:
- Appreciate the things which are going well! It really pays to check in with how brilliantly you are doing. It can be easy to get caught up in what you're working on and what's missing in your lives but it really helps to tap into what's working and the good in your life. And being able to transfer those good feeling over.
- Visualisation cropped up a lot. It's a really powerful tool. You want to make sure you're visualising for the deliciousness and good feelings of it. But not to fix something or to attempt to draw it to you.
- Try to do something everyday... I always encourage this. There is a general correlation that when people do the work things tend to go in a positive direction in life... That ain't no coincidence!
Above all, be easy about it. We all have our good days and bad days (weeks, months or years even!!!) But just know that you can focus in a better direction when you're ready!
All is so very well with you!!! Xxx
On a side note, I watched The Duff film today. It was an ok teen flick lol. Anyhoo, the lead actress realises she's a DUFF- the Designated Ugly Fat Friend- the unattractive one in her friendship circle who makes her friends look better! Lol. So after being shamed and humiliated, she realises that she needs to get over it, stop giving a sheet what other people think and be happy with herself. After claiming her power, she proclaims to the mega bitch antagonist- 'Everyone's a DUFF!' Because there'll always be someone cleverer, better looking and more successful than you! And it's true!
The lesson is just to be happy being you, be comfortable with who you are and let what everyone else thinks go. Know thyself. Accept thyself. Love thyself. And let everyone else go!!!
Happy DUFFing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx