A few points from the infinite pearls of wisdom shared...
- Practise non judgement... When something happens, try not to label it, especially if it seems bad- we don't know the full value of it in that moment or how it will turn out. We never get it done and never get it wrong, so it's all up for grabs! A great way to be zen!
- Driftwood- especially when you're starting to focus on allowing stuff in. You can get positive manifestations which aren't quite exactly what you want but they show you you're along the right path. Appreciate them and know the Universe is sending you signs that you're on the way to what you really want.
- Not everyone will hear your advice in quite the way you want it (especially loved ones who don't like woowoo!). Try another way, and/or live your joy. They'll love being in your space and then be open to hear what you have to say. Remember though- it's not your job to fix anyone. Let them be who they is!
- When you're feeling good, you're allowing. When you're not, you're not! That is your guidance and indication of where you are.
- It's all co creation. Your relationships with others is all the playing out of multiple vibration. So don't take all the blame when you're with someone (just take some responsibility ha). What you want is to be the dominant vibration- so sure and secure within self, that you're in 'charge' vibrationally, then things flow your way.
All is so very well!!!
Happy London-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx