Yayyyyyyyy! Thank you London for an incredible leading edge evening as ALWAYS!!! It is such a wonderful community we have and I just love hearing people's stories of how they are living more empowered, better feeling lives- it just does not get any better than this!
So much covered tonight as always!!!
- You always have this internal guidance letting you know where you are vibrating. Your emotions are letting you know how you are focused- when you're feeling bad, it's just an indicator that you are looking upon something in a way that that pure energy that is you, isn't looking at it. When you're feeling good, you're in alignment and hence drawing more good to you. Follow your internal guidance!
- If you're having a rough time with someone try blessing them. Just send them love in whatever way you can. When your vibration is locked on and high enough, they will only be able to give you the best of who they are OR you will naturally fall out of each other's experience. Your goal is just to manage your gap and let the Law Of Attraction do the rest!
- It isn't about getting your stuff all the time, every time (although that is quite nice!). It's about being able to choose how you react to any situation- that is true power. You may not be able to control everything but you can control how you react- and that is everything.
- It works if you work it! Try spending some time everyday to focus more positively. If it's a gratitude journal, meditation, focus wheels or visualisation, just take a few mins to settle your energy and mind. It will pay tremendous dividends!
- Pivoting- whenever you're in a space of what you don't want, flip it! Turn your attention to what you do want, start talking about that and getting your energy in that direction.
- Pre Paving- start your day, or segment of activity by stating what you do want. This gets your energy focused on how you would like things to unfold.
- Be easy about it. You're here to learn and expand. You're perfect as you are. Just be easy about it all!
There are various apps which can help: Focus Wheel, vision boards, Mirror app. So many tools available!!!
Thank you so much for being part of this magnificent co creation!
All is so very well!
Happy processing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx