A few of the myriad of points covered:
- Live life now! There's no need to wait until a fatal diagnosis or until you've lived the majority of your life before you truly live. Do more fun things, enjoy yourself more!
- Illness and every manifestation is just an indicator of the past vibration. Don't be hard on yourself if things don't quite pan out or your manifestations aren't what you are quite wanting. Know that your point of power is in the now and you're constantly lining up more for the future!
- If you have an active mind, just slip in thoughts of well being into your stream of consciousness. Use mediation to calm the mind as much as you can, and then pop in thoughts and feelings of well being as your stream of consciousness flows.
- Knowledge is power! To learn and know is excellent, and when you have all this behind you, it allows you to trust in the process of the perfect unfolding. It gives you a sense of confidence that all is working out in your favour and abundance and flow is your birthright!
- Something better is in the becoming! If you don't get what you want in quite the way you want it, know that something even better is in the becoming of it. Your job is simply to get into the mode of trust and allowing!
All is well!!!
Happy become-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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