Lots covered!
- Sometimes ya just need to keep it to yourself! Abe said that Jerry (Hicks) used to keep his goals and visions to himself until they were solidified. As if he heard the naysayers, it would draw his energy downwards. Not always, not every time but wait until you are completely confident in self, then go out into the world with your vision! All is well, no matter what!
- Afformations! Affirmations are statements which are stating things as you want them to be. It helps to be some of the 3x Ps- PERSONAL (Start it with 'I'- it's more powerful if you make it personal to you). PRESENT (So they are in the now, not in the future- I AM NOW ABUNDANT, not 'I will be abundant'). POSTIVE (State them in the good sense, no 'nots', I AM EARLY, not I am not late). Anyhoo, afformations are questions that you ask yourself, e.g. 'Why am I so rich?' 'Why am I so beautiful?' The reasoning behind this is that when asked questions, the brain automatically seeks an answer. So it would answer 'Because you have a roof over your head, because you have a good job etc - That's why you're rich!
- Trace the feeling. When something happens see how you feel about it, and trace it back to where you've felt it before. Odds are it's an old emotional pattern- quite an advanced technique but very effective in identifying and clearing old patterns!
- Surround yourself with 'believing eyes.' As Sonia Choquette (or someone of that ilk) said surround yourself with the people who believe in you!
Thanks as always! The sharing, caring and pairing tonight was magnificent as always!
Love you guys!!!
Happy supporting!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
OMG, I was updating my videos on my site and I came across this. ABSOLUTELY FOOKING HYSTERICAL!!! We just love to laugh- humour raises us to God and I am feeling heavenly after this haha!!! Xxx