A smattering of points from the infinite wisdom there is today:
- It's only money honey! There'll be more... Be light and easy about yo abundance. The Universe has you covered, the infinite well of flow can overfilleth your cup. Just trust and take some aligned, inspired action. Be easy about it and work bit by bit.
- If you trust in God/The Universe then you trust in divine timing. If you believe and know there is a higher force working for your greatest good, then you must trust that their timing is impeccable. Breathe easy and when you can release that resistance, let it go and flow.
- It's been the best of years, it's been the worst of years! This may have been a great year or it could been pure sheet but all is well. You've expanded all the more because of it and what's waiting for you is bigger and better!
- Believe, but then forget about it! Knowing that your goodness is taken care of and on its way is great for letting things in. Also, just forget about it, focus on something else and see what shows up!
- Such and such... Or something better. When intending for stuff, end it with 'this or something better!' This aligns your intention with receiving what is for your highest and bestest good!
As always, there is so much love and appreciation here for you all. Thank you so much for continuing to come along, support, share and see the best in life.
All is well!!!
Happy best-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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