A programme trying to chase down and confront the quite horrific trolling trolls showed me that some just want to be acknowledged! There's little else satisfying for them than the 'victim' replying and then blocking them. In a funky way, it gave them a sense of validity.
Whilst that may be all well and good. The thing is, most everyone looks for things outside of them to feel good. It's looking for love in all the wrong places, as you'll constantly need an external, more powerful fix. And if/when it can no longer deliver, it'll likely throw you off and you'll start to need something harder.
We want you to be able to generate your good feeling focus internally and then look outward into the world. And as you do, most things will be pleasing and by the nature of the Law Of Attraction, you'll draw more pleasing things to you.
Actively look for things to appreciate, tune your mind into goodness and wellness and you'll be inspired to take those actions which are in alignment with ease and flow for you.
All is well!!!
Happy acknowledge-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx