I was watching a programme which in its first episode covered what goes into getting a plane together and luggage handling and let me tell you, it is mind blowing!
They took the presenter round as they were assembling the plane parts and for the mega vehicle that is the Airbus A380, it consists of 23,000 rivets to hold it together (lest it fall apart in the sky!), which all have to be inserted by hand by someone on the outside and inside of the plane. It takes around 2,000,000 hours of construction and is longer than 6 double decker buses! Incredible!
Don't even get my started on the miles of luggage conveyor belts in DXB and ATL (Dubai and Atlanta for the uninitiated) that deal with how many gabillions of pieces in its lifespan. It really is quite extraordinary when you think about it all. And then there's the staffing, planes, planning, countless meals, drinks and waste (human and otherwise!) that needs to be dealt with.
In a word WOW!
The vibrational take home point is that there is so much to be grateful and appreciative of things we consider to be everyday or even mundane. There are so many moving parts which exist to make your life easier, more expansive and infinitely more convenient. There's also the miracle of this planet floating about in relation to the others, the water from your tap, the clothes on your back... We could go on!
So appreciate, appreciate, appreciate! When you look into the minutiae of it, it is mind blowing!
All is well!!!
Happy fly-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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