A question that comes up when deliberately creating (or rather allowing), is how specific do I go?
As with all things it really is something that you need to work out for you. That is the advice for all things- everyone is different and as life is a journey between your alignment with you and you, you need to see how best you work and under which conditions you can optimise your vibrational well being.
Some schools of thought say you must set your goals, the dates by which you want them to occur, visualise, detailise and so forth. And this is a fine way to go about life if it focuses you and keeps you inspired.
Other schools of thought declare that to let go and let God (cue: 'Hi, my name's Nick...') is best, to focus more on the emotional state that the achievements would generate than the actual things themselves.
For some (like me), control freak that I am. If I had deadlines and detailed images on all my goals, and they didn't seem that they were going to occur anytime soon, then it would definitely work against me.
When I was in the hot seat with Abraham (you can see this on the Abraham and Me resources page), I asked them how I could take things to the next level. Their answer was basically to leave behind negative emotions (especially of worry), to let go of uncontrollable things and to make sure that feeling good was a priority. To be more powerfully in the Vortex of well being.
So I really have done my best over the years to get in the mode of general well being. To consciously use movies, music, nights out, holidays, to focus in a well being way.
Now this article isn't to solely extol the virtues of being general and less goal 'focused.' It just is to bring to your attention that there is more than one way to skin the vibrational chicken!
So play with it. Try going really specific and detailed on some things in your life. And then try going completely general. And see what works for you in what circumstances. It is a constantly evolutionary process. But what is life if not that?
Happy generalising or specific-ising!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx