It can be an extremely sad time for all as they say goodbye. But, we must remember, it is not the end. We are all eternal beings and it is just the shedding of this physical form. Yes, things will be different from now on, but the change is inevitable.
Instead of focusing on the sadness- let it pass and then trust in the eternal plan. We are all going to die, so it's just a matter of time before we all move on.
I like Abraham's analogy of it being similar to 'just walking out of the movie theatre.'
When we move on, we become part of that bigger whole, the pure unresisted universal energy and we'll look back and wonder what the fuss was all about!
Enjoy your time that you have now, it's all you have. Let tomorrow take care of itself and forget the bits of the past that no longer serve.
All is well!!!
Happy live-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx