You are all more alike than you are different. What I love about exploring this magnificent planet is to see that everyone just wants to connect. Going out of your way to share a smile, a thank you or to help someone else can really make the difference. It doesn't (or at least shouldn't) matter how they react to you (sometimes, I am soo in my own world that when someone comes to me, it throws me off and I can come off like a rude beatcchh lol, but I'm really not!), everyone really is in a different place, but what you want is just to flow that bit of well being to whoever you can.
Gay Hendricks tells us in the Heal Your Life movie, about how he was coaching someone and told them to go out and do a good deed. The coachee did so and when he came back, his energy was so high. When you're in a place of strength and able to assist those around you, then you can offer so much. But make sure you are complete first- as the airplane announcement goes- 'Tend to your own air mask first!.'
So, the key is- do your best to be self-alignment, then go out and offer your goodness to the world. And you never know, you could change someone's life for the better.
Happy connecting!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx