Whilst I'll be the first to admit, our systems are not the greatest, we don't usually overcharge random amounts as the customer has to manually input the amount.
She was getting proper angry and I had to quickly get in there and tell her I'd have to check with my manager what was going on.
Turns out I was right (as usual! Ha), I got the manager to check the call and surprise, surprise the customer pressed the wrong button to be charged, exclaimed 'sheet!' And then hung up.
So there you go! Abe says (rightly so I think!) that anyone in connection would never do harm or hurt anyone. Now, we all have our bad days, but if you're on the receiving end of it, placate yourself by knowing your rightness. You don't need to shove it in their face at that moment, (as tempting as that may be!) You just have to not absorb that negative energy being shunted your way.
That's alignment, God-like beingness and ultimately the best way to live your life.
Not easy, and we are not recommending you be a doormat, but if you can hold your internal vibration strong, you can do great things!!!
All is well!!!
Happy calm-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
EStore: http://www.nickfon.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html
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