Here's a few points from the evening:
- Where there's a down there's an up. So when things aren't quite going to plan, there's something so much more pleasing round the corner! You just have to trust and ride it out. It will pass and your good will come, but you just have to keep working at it!
- Some people come into your experience for a: reason, season or for life. Friendships, lovers and such which don't have to last forever for them to be meaningful or beneficial. Sometimes, it's just for a little while and that's ok, garner the most out of them, appreciate and love them as much as you can, set your tone and allow the Law Of Attraction to bring those to you who are a vibrational match!
- Let go of the past and all your grudges. It does you no good to sit round in resentment, guilt or anger. Everyone is doing the best they can and the quicker you can fully accept it, the quicker you can move on to your goodies!
- Love that little child inside and lean into the pain- don't run. Pain like anything is merely an indicator, it can be tempting to run, block or try to take it away, but if you can lovingly accept it and make peace with it, it can show you so much! Hug that little child inside who's desperate to be loved.
All is well!!!
Happy hug-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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