A few takeaway points, of which there were tons:
- Start small, look for things you can do everyday. Catch yourself, as you become more and more conscious, your sensitivity will increase to it all and that's what we want for ya!
- Affirmations- say them with lots of positivity and power, as you get that powerful emotion behind it, you will start to shift your vibration higher and higher and boom, before you know it, you'll be attracting it!
- Work, work, work like Rihanna and 5th Harmony sing! You have all these beliefs in your consciousness from as young as childhood, some which serve you, others which don't. The key to deliberate creation is to work out what you do want to create your life and work out what doesn't and then go about allowing it in.
- There are so many resources out there, which have gone on for literally hundreds of years! It's just up to you to align and keep up with it. And the choice is yours!!!
- It's a lifetime's worth of work people! Keep being conscious and going. The contrast will always be there, it's just up to you how you react. You're doing a magnificent job, it's just up to you how you view it. The choice my dear is yours!
Thank you Birmingham for a freaking magnificent leading edge evening! I just loved it so much!!!
All is well!!!
Happy work-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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