Thank you all sooooo freaking much Birmingham!!! As I start to wind down the groups, it was a most wonderful beginning of the end haha!!!
I just love the power of alignment! As I and Sanjay sat down this afternoon to have a catch up and bite to eat, we start talking to a wonderful chap. Turns out he's totally into this material, he finds out I've been on the Abe cruise, and makes the connection with a contact he met in Vegas who had just been on the same cruise! OMG!!! You cannot make that sheet up!
So much wisdom today as always:
- Connect with self and self, it can get easy to be sucked into all the whizz and buzz around us, but just tune into you! Appreciate all you've done and release the need to compare. What's easy for you, may not be for someone else, so congratulate yourself often on how brilliant you are and how far you've come!!!
- Gratitude, appreciation for the 'smallest' things. There is so much to love and appreciate about and around you, each moment is filled with so much goodness and wellness. Just take a second to appreciate it all!
- Surrender and let go! A wonderful story of how being inspired from an early Meetup we had, they let go and boom, they are now dating someone! How wonderful!
- Set you intentions and shift your beliefs to what you want. That is it. Because what you believe will come true for you. What's 'reality' got to do, got to do with it?! You set your tone and allow the Universe to bring to you, all you need and want.
- The thought, the desire, the manifestation- is all a manifestation! If you can really focus on the journey and not purely on the end goal, you'll be doing fabulously well! And you'll always be having fun!
OMG, thank you Birmingham so much for the most amazing year as always, it really has been so great. I/we are so blessed to have a powerful, leading edge group of people, being and thinking the best that life has to offer!
Life is so good and always working out for you!
I love you all tons and tons and tons!!! Have a great closing to the year and see you in 2016!!!
Happy Birmingham-ing!!!
Love ya lots, Nick Xxx