A few points from the evening:
- Don't fight against the sea, allow the ball to come to you! If you have a ball floating in the sea, the harder you try to grab it, the more it floats away from you. Instead reach out with ease and flow and you're more likely to get it!
- It's all about the power of the mind. The mind is the most powerful thing, it can be your greatest ally or your biggest enemy! Train it to see the positive. It takes work and practise but tip the scales in your favour.
- Let go of the need for revenge! Let the universal laws take care of the other people. And they will get what they're a vibrational match to. You focus on your 'karma' and make sure you're sending out good vibes!
- Work slowly against lifelong momentum! We're trying to undo a lifetime's worth of negative patterns, so be easy on yourself! It takes time and effort to undo all those ingrained patterns. Step by step but in the right direction is what's best!
All is well!!!
Happy momentum-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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