I had enjoyed her BBC show but hadn't seen her do any standup, so wasn't that familiar with her work. What pleasantly surprised me was she (knowingly or unknowingly) weaved into her spiel some very Abe-ish things!
Do fun things, act like a child and do things which are good for self care. She waxed lyrical on how she does all the things which take care of her soul and make her feel good. And she encouraged her audience to do the same, whilst making them laugh!
And that was really nice to see. To watch someone obviously of influence, in a fun way, encourage people to do things which will bring them into alignment is a really lovely thing. And it can reach a different audience whom us woo woo people may not be able to touch in quite the same way.
It really is the most diverse of times, and so, with you being able to access pretty much anything in a few taps on a screen, you can vibrate at whatever level you are wanting. Be aware of what you're sending out by your thoughts and feelings and typings. Just a quick glance at the 'comments' section of news articles, Facebook etc will show you how easy it is to tune into the negative- don't do it! The emotional price you pay is far too great. Focus on the good, how you want to see the world and how you want it to be.
All is well!!!
Happy Miranda-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx