We live in a magnificent world of diversity. Just look at virtually any popular post on Facebook or YouTube and you'll see how there are so many perceptions of a single event. Some of which you totally agree with and others you are probably like 'WTF are these people on?!'
Your job in life is to simply sift and sort through the variety of life and to give your attention not at all, to those things which do not resonate.
You can simply appreciate the difference of it all, as life would be very boring if we were all the same.
One of my closer friends is quite the opposite of me. He's loud and brash, I'm quieter and reserved. He speaks with little pre-thought, whereas I am more considered. I would pin him as an extrovert and I'm definitely a strong introvert. Yet there is a decent level of appreciation towards the other. I definitely appreciate his ability to just put himself out there, regardless of what other people think (albeit I can only bear him in small doses!).
It reminds of the magnificent Susan Cain (author of Quiet), she speaks about how she went to a residential conference for Highly Sensitive People. And whilst it was so wonderful to be surrounded with other considerate, polite people, after a while she yearned for the company of her more gregarious friends, as it was way too subdued with all those quieter, deep thinking souls in their own corner.
So, you see, too much of anything can get a bit boring. If we were all the same, there would be no expansion or ability to diversify.
Instead, just sift and sort through all the things around you and filter through that which makes you happy.
Happy different-ing!!! Lots of love, Nick Xxx
PS If you're reading this from Edinburgh, Glasgow or Newcastle then welcome welcome!!! My groups have just launched up there and I am very excited to teach there at the end of July!