Sound Of Music anyone??? Lol.
Today I was back to volleyball. Due to work, workshops, Asia and jet lag, it's been about 6 weeks since I played. So the confidence I was building up was somewhat gone lol. Being in the company of other beginners and a great coach really did help as I would've felt even more out of sync!
On a side note,- for the longest while this morning, I was like- I wanna stay in bed and skip volleyball!!! It really reiterated to me the effort and commitment that people make to come to my groups- so thank you to those who do- a huge freaking thank you! As it would be easy to sit at home, mulch and chill out! But as always with these sorts of things, when you've done it, you're glad (usually!) that you did!
The v-ball session was cool, it went pretty smoothly. Though I was still feeling a teensy bit out of it! I thought it was an interesting parallel between that and life in general.
You want to be reaching for those feelings and wonderful words that Abraham uses so often: clarity, well being, flow, ease, alignment. It's that feeling of being tuned in, tapped in and turned on (oh la la!). It's that sensation of locked-on-ness that comes from that well deep within your core. Not solely because you want to manifest your shizzle but simply because it FEELS so good to feel good!
That is the key, as is always- to feel good for feeling good's sake. Because this is who you truly are. Because it is your internal guidance/gut/higher self letting you know you are in alignment with that highest part of who you are.
A side benefit is that of manifestation. More often than not, when I'm truly in an aligned state (usually after I've done a group, met a good friend(s)), then wonderful manifestations will occur.
So you might be thinking, 'well that is bloody nice for you, but I often feel good and I don't get nowt!!! Or worse still, I'm feeling good but I get bad shit!'
Now, there are infinite number of reasons why this might be happening. But a few are:
-You might not be feeling as good as you think you are. SOLUTION: Just try to be more sensitive to how you feel. Check in with your gut/body more. A minute by minute check in would be amazing!!!
-It's a clearing period. Just as the body goes on a health crisis (see/Google: herxheimer effect). Your life experience will clear out crap as your vibration raises. SOLUTION: Keep at it, let the shit release and it will pass!
-Your overarching dominant vibration is not quite where you'd want it to be. Where do you spend most of your time (vibrationally)? It's brilliant to do lists of positive aspects about your abundance and beautiful body etc but what are you thinking and feeling the other 23 hours 55 mins of each day? You want to be doing your best to feel good as much as you can for most of the time. Yes, we all have blips from time to time but you want to be feeling good as often as possible.
Interestingly enough there have been recent times, where I've been feeling poo for whatever reason, but really good things have happened in that space of time, I like to believe that it's my overarching vibration of well being making itself known to me. On the other hand, there have been times where I've been buzzing, then all this crap started happening. Vibration and manifestation are like biology and psychology- there are many layers and moving parts to it all that the exactness of correlation isn't always that easy to trace. SOLUTION: BUT (and here is a big butt and I cannot lie- Sir Mix-A-Lot anyone?! Lol), if you continue to be conscious, to work to feel good, to use the plethora of tools to shift you vibration and/or distract yourself from the issue. It is our promise that somehow, someway things will tip in your favour. It must! It is law. For some, they'll see quick results, for others not so quick, but just keep working at it and then your overarching vibration will become that of well being. And the floodgates of goodness will crack open for you and will inspire you further! And you will have confidence in confidence in confidence in youuuuuu!!!
Happy overarching!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx