Just like that financial investment disclaimer- 'Past performance doesn't equal future returns.' The same can be said of your limitations!
Abe was having a conversation with someone who wanted something in their life who didn't have it. And Abe reflected to them 'So... You're saying because you haven't had it and you don't have it, means you never will?!'
We can get settled into various grooves that we carve out for ourself. A ceiling on the amount of money, love or any resource that we have due to our life experience. Which is fair enough as that is what we've lived. However, this does not need to be what we recreate in our future if we do not want it to be!
In other words, everything is up for grabs. Yes, it may be difficult to expect, believe and think beyond where you're used to. But that is the work!
Start to write down, visualise, expect and know that you're capable of creating exactly what you want. Your goal is to start to train your consciousness to get used to whatever it is you wish to create.
Work within whatever mental framework you can. If the leap is too big and it feels too far and distant, then it'll probably stay that way, but maybe a slight increase from where you currently stand is more workable, then when you're used to that, you can add a bit more, and so on. Until you look back and realise how far you've come.
Your future is not set in stone, so werk it!
All is well!!!
Happy future-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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